Good bye ,my baby.
I'll see you in 2 weeks.
(oh , now the tears come)
Is it because you're gone or because I have so much crap to do?
Nope, it's because you're gone. Again.
I'm soooo ready for this to be over.
(your butt looks great , by the way) :)))
Ok, I'm pulling myself together here.
Ok, ooohhhm...calm down...get your shit straight.....
Guess what you guys? It's almost time for all you bloggy friends to sign up for Holidialies.
What's Holidailies?
"What's This About?
Holidailies participants solemnly vow to update their Web sites daily from Dec. 1 to Jan. 1."The 2008 site is not totally ready for signing up yet , but should be ,by the 1st.
I did it last year, but it was on my old blog. (the one over in the side bar , with the bad curse day)
I hope you guys will do it.
I'm about to die right now because NO ONE even seems to update these days.Some are even quitting their blogs and taking breaks .
Gah! Here I am in my hour of need. LOL
I'm kidding guys, go on with what you're doing.
Just don't forget to send me some real email.
Don't make me worry about you, my mind can't handle it.
I just found this new blog tonight, and after I replied to 3 of her posts ,I had to get off of there for a while . I was about to look like a stalker.
It was weird, you know, like when you meet someone in person ,and it's like you've known each other forever?
I'll put her link up tomorrow. My eyes are shot now.
Since I've already lost my shit in front of everyone.....I might as well spill my latest nightmare...ok.
Or , I should say"the latest chapter of the family curse"
As you know, my spouse was just home for a week. Well, what happens about 2 days before he gets home?
Try to guess, I bet you won't ,in a million years.
Remember, we're talking CURSE here. He came home once and 2 days before hand, our truck burned to the ground.
Give up?
Ok , this time (remember it's MY curse) lol not his.
2 days before he gets home , I get an effin boil on my ass! That's right a boil. I have never had a boil in my life.
Oh, but haven't seen my husband in 3 months....the perfect time to get a boil , right next to my hoo haw.
Sa-weet! How delightful.
"oh , Hi honey, guess what?"
"wanna see my boil?"
"wanna lance my boil?"
"I'm nearly desperate enough to ask the neighbors to lance it."
Remember, my health insurance is in England now. NONE here.
You know you want me.
Oh, make that (ROFLMBO) rolling on the floor laughing my boil off.