Monday, September 8, 2008

Schleprock never takes a holiday......

Picture it.....right 'chere, this morning.....

My phone rings and it is my friend Floozie1 telling me that her husband died during the night. Her sister was there and so were her daughters. So I said "I'll come over later."
She asks me if I will inform my aunt. Sure thing.

I call my aunt and let her know. She quickly schools me in the number ONE rule about southern death ......(since I was raised by wolves and all) Really, I'm a Yankee.

"You MUST bring some food over there!"

I am usually the one HAVING the death.And it was never in the south. No one ever brought me any food either,BTW.

So I get ready ,and head over there. First I stop at Cracker Barrel, they need a 2 hour notice for that kind of food. So I go by KFC ,they are still closed. Then I go to Popeyes.I pick up enough chicken ,biscuits and sides to feed an army. Then I call Floozie1 to tell her i"m on my way. No answer. Hmmmm...they must be doing something.

I get to her house , all 3 cars are gone. I speak to her 90 year old neighbor and see if I can leave the food with him until she returns.

He says"welllll, i better not, you know the funeral is going to be out of town. Maybe they already headed down that'a way."

I can not imagine where else they all could have gone. In 3 vehicles.

Son of a bitch. Who wants a piece of chicken?


Wesley said...

mmm... fried chicken! such a healthy delight.

Anonymous said...

Well, that IS what's done. How was I to know it's all happening so fast! Be sure and freeze it! AJ

Brad said...

Auntie is right, (Sheesh even this north west boy KNOWS that) you always bring food!

I'm guessing this wasn't a suprise for poor Floozie1, but I'm hoping all is as well as it can be.

Pass the white meat pls.

Mary said...

I read your blog this evening (from Niagara Falls) and am sorry to hear about the death of your friend's husband. Yep, food is the thing we southerners always take to the family of the deceased. We seem to think that a big meal will cure any illness or grief.

I am sorry to say that I laughed until I cried at your last statement. I know just how you must feel.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a Southern tradition to bring food to a grieving family. Save the chicken, they probably went to make arrangements and of course, everybody thought they should be involved - hence, 3 cars. Sorry to hear of the loss. G5

Jamie said...

Oh dear....

I love chicken.

And that is how it's done, and I live in the north, but then I tend to think food can fix any problem..

Hugs honey.