Happy New Years Eve!
I should have some profound year end post going on here....but nooooo.
I thought about doing the "recap of the last decade" as some bloggers have. But frankly I can not remember when, during the decade, the events happened.
I think the young kids next door are about to have a party.
What are WE doing? Well about 11:30 today my spouse dropped me off in
As for tonight? We shall be eating leftover pot roast and watching lame ass t.v. shows. Why is it that I feel as if we're missing out on something? It's not like we EVER do (or have done) anything on New Years Eve.
Oh there was that one year we were in
I think a few of us smoked (besides ME) and eventually we started smoking right where we sat. Some one told us” this is not the smoking section." (We were the ONLY people in the section because it was actually the freezing cold section) I told them “it IS NOW!"
Ok, that was hell.
Then we partied with the neighbors (at home) that one time. That was fun, but I'm sure we didn't stay up until midnight.

Maybe a few times ,we sat around with the kids and played Balderdash or Scrabble. That’s always a blast.
Ok, I just miss what I don't have. Maybe I also wish I had a reason to get dressed up. I look like crap every day. My husband wears a suit every day.
BRB...must go check my pot roast.......
Ok..where was I ? I guess I need to face the fact that I haven't gone out on New Years Eve since Jesus was a baby.
So let me see ,here's some stuff that happened in the last decade. (in no particular order) :
I went to :
I camped in a yurt, a tent and a tree house .I spent the night at a "big cat preserve”, went to
My hair was short, extremely long, blond, brown, a mixture of both and became sort of curly after 40 some years of being straight as a stick.
I got braces (finally!) as an old woman. BTW, after I did ....so did 3 or 4 people in my office and they were in their 50's and 60's! I made old and nerdy COOL :)
Some swingers tried to pick up my husband and I , we saw nude swingers on the lake , in
My kids grew up and moved out. I had to adjust to empty nest syndrome. It was pretty tough for the first 2 years. I became comfortable talking to myself and cats (a lot) :)

I had to fly to
I had to make hard choices about the child she left behind.
I had to put my mother in a nursing home. I had to make the decision to NOT give my mother a feeding tube. I had to feel the wrath and blame of people who did not agree with my decisions, and again, when I was not there the moment she died, at 65.
I have seen that child grow up and become a mother.
I was shocked several times by other people’s behavior. I grew, I matured, I dealt with and worked on my personal issues and phobias, I learned to like myself more. I learned to eat in restaurants all by myself .I gained and lost and regained about a thousand pounds. I quit smoking twice for "long periods of time" once for 7 months, once for 4 months. I learned (finally) to cut toxic people OUT of my life. Life is too damn short.
My best friend had 3 daughters, got married and became a grandma. She and I spent many wonderful times together even though we live so FAR apart.
I also made many beautiful NEW friends...Hazel, Jeri, Jane, Eva (and of course Nick and G5).
My friend Heidi and I both had hysterectomies. Then I saw her adopt her awesome little girl, Emma from
I have seen my sons grow from boys to men , they are my pride and joy! I saw my baby boy get married to a girl we love. I have learned to try and not be so hysterical when they do dangerous things like wakeboarding, snoboarding, riding a bike, driving, crossing the street.
I have seen my husband work all over the world. I have learned to live aIone,I have learned to be less afraid, and to do man chores.
I have seen him work a zillion hours , flip through a zillion channels, watch a zillion old movies, news shows and (lousy) super hero movies.
I am still proud of him ,too in spite of all that annoying stuff :)
We have been together 12 years (I think) lol
I have fought and made up with my children,my husband ,my sister and my brother in law.
We have drank barrels of vodka, smoked billions of cigarettes, had millions of laughs ,thousands of heart aches, busshels of doubts and insecurtities, but in the end I can always see that God has been in charge and present in, not just OUR life ,but the lives of everyone we love.
*CHEERS my people! To an even more fabulous 2010!*
I love you guys!
......it's bed time for this old lady :)