Ola, Ya'll
I'm trying to type with Cavuto sitting right in front of my monitor ,trying to shake hands.
This has been one of those slug days. It started out ok. I got up ,did my chores , took my walk ,went to the store to get ice. (No ice maker since the flood)
My young neighbor just now came up to my window and invited me to play whiffle ball with them tomorrow.
"Umm , thanks but I think I'll pass."
(Yeah, I got a picture of that. LOL)
Anyhow, I had big plans to go out on the boat today. As the day wore on (and I felt lazier ) I thought "oh maybe I'll just go out to the pool."
I just looked out there, there's about 25 people in the pool. Many of which are screaming children. Best of all ,NONE of those damn people LIVE here! They are nightly renters, which were never supposed to be allowed here. UGh! It makes me sooo mad!
Lovely. I guess I shall be doing nothing this afternoon.
I feel like an eating binge. If only I had eating binge fixin's .

Yesterday morning Floozie2 and I went to the Farmers Market .It was the first time I had ever been .I've only been living here for 6 years.
This is what I had in mind to buy once we got there. I was picturing yummy ways to make squash when I have company ,next week.
Who knew they would have stalls of bright ,sparkly jewelry for sale?

I did not buy any squash.I did not buy any produce at all.
All I bought was this cool silver ear cuff.
That old man was a hell of a salesman.

I did take the boat out yesterday.
Being a holiday weekend, it was pretty busy out there. (meaning the water was pretty rough)
I had to stay way out in the "open water" due to my inefficient (ok, totally useless) anchor.

Party cove. (click it)
There were too many boats in there to count. Most of them are tied up to each other.
I am dying to know....do they know each other? Or do people just tie up with strangers?Any boaters out there know the answer?

On the way home I saw our old boat and it's new family.

It was a gorgeous day. It's always a little strange to be out there, alone on a holiday weekend.
Made me miss the family .

Only a few more days until girl week begins.
My sister ,Soul, the great Bass fisher will be coming out as well. She thinks she will be able to teach Vicki and ME how to fish.
I'll believe that when I see it. Us fishing.
Bwa ha ha !