Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Wow, do I feel old.

27 years ago today ,guess where I was?

That's right ,I was in the hospital having a darling dimple faced baby.

He was the 2 year old who would fix someone’s toilet while we were visiting their house.The 5 year old who set fire to a tree.

Once when he was 5 the school bus dropped him off before I made it home. I was horrified and worried sick. What did I find when I arrived home? He had broken into the house and was sitting at the table ,calmly eating cereal.

He could open a motel door with a credit card by age 6.

He’s the kid who blew up the backyard with a lighter and hairspray.(we all hid behind the couch in the dark ,when the fire department came)

He’s the kid who cut his fingertips off with a meat cleaver. But….he’s also the one who taught himself to sew at 15,and can reupholster a car ,made his girlfriends prom dress once and just taped up the flowers for his brothers wedding and made a train out of a lawn mower.

He does back flips while wake boarding .

He's been making mom a nervous wreck since 1982.

He still makes things and amazes everyone with his creativity.

Check it out: (click on the words)

Crafty Slackers

Happy birthday my adorable boy!

Love mom

Yes, life really CAN be this exciting!

I spent all day spring cleaning my bathrooms.

Cavuto can attest to that.

Unfortunately, that was my entire day.

When one has their children at a young age.....apparently they become an eccentric crazy cat lady ...while waiting for grandchildren.

"I'm tired."

"Let me sleep before I rip your eyes out."

"I SAID I was tired!!"

Wow! spiffy!

"That toilet looks magnificent!"

"This rug smells fresh as a daisy!"

"These corners and baseboards pass my silver paw inspection. You rock !! You should be a grandma!!!"

Note to self: Never in my wildest childhood dreams did I ever think I would be dying to be a grandma at 46 years old. WTF???

"Whew! Thank the Lord, I can't see my naked self in those mirrors!"


Oh yeah and then there's THIS:

333 Posts, last published on Jun 27, 2009 –

It's my 333'rd post!

Who ever comments first gets a book!

Love me


Cavuto is in the bathroom trying to kill a brown centipede "NOT capable of killing a human being" According to Google. Lovely.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just checkin' in.....

Ola strangers!

Yes, I know I am wayyyy behind on updating. Most of you are as well, so I don't feel so bad. Hint,hint.

We have been busy going out on the boat mostly for the last few days. That was our plan yesterday until it started pouring rain all day.Usually while she is here we go off on some big adventure but this time we were economically challenged.She is buying a house ,they close on it Friday.So we had hen parties here at the house. We had hen parties out on the boat and we had hen parties at the pool.Good times.
Somehow the time has flown by. Vicki must go home today :(

Then my next project will be getting ready for my hubby and kids to arrive next month and then ,getting ready to return to England. Cavuto's quarantine will finally be OVER in August.Can you imagine if that poor baby had been in that little hellhole ALL this time?

have a great day y'all!

Luv me

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Get your dramamine......

Hi ,well this is not Smocha, its me Vicki.. and I am presenting to you all the very first video to date that I have taken, yes on a boat, were the waves, were bumpy as hell, I start coughing and get a real good boob shot of Lena when i am getting up, mind you non of these things are done intentionally.. it just happened!.. we did have a great day and when we got out to old foggy cove i put my blessed 50UV sun block on and my dear friend puts on her 4 UV sun block...we anchor the boat she jumps out raft in hand and i then follow raft in hand she gets up on her raft i get up on my raft and while adjusting the seating i poked a damn hole in my raft....a big hole....so now i am left with my rafts air pillow..yea.. we did get the boat washed, of course bye this time i am having a raging coughing fit and Smocha is fit to be tied, but she hides it well...we did manage to get the boat half assed washed, but it is better than it was..so now all we have to do is laze around and relax and we do...and we do that so well.. when we get ready to leave, we decide to take video's..and the rest is video history..and yes like i said, up to this point i was a video virgin...what have i learned pay more attention to what your doing and do not move to fast or you get that sick feeling......

Happy Saturday!

Love Us

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is that a deer on your ear?

Hi y'all,

Today is the big day that we are supposed to go camping. The bad part is ....

94°F | 74°F

we are going to roast! With the heat index that's like 107 or so. Goodie.

I have cupboards to scrounge through to find bug spray, flashlights,fans etc. So without further ado, here is yesterday in pictures.

I told you we were going to hold those baby deer!

"what is she doing?"

"do you mind, I'm chewing my nails."

Figaro will be needing a new home in August....hint hint ..neighbors.

hen party in the pool.

"Hey! what about me???"

g5 and Floozie2

Nosey and Floozie2

Then we see baby deer on leashes. We stampede over there in bathing suits like a clown parade!Let us at 'em!! let us at 'em!!!

They sucked on our ears and made sweet baby noises.

The female ...soooo tiny.

How could anyone eat a deer? Ugh hmmm. I think NOT!!

nursing on my finger. He just barely had little nubs of teeth.

"can we take her home?"

Baby love

We all had cute overdoses :))

Have a great day peeps!

See ya after we melt in a tent

Monday, June 15, 2009

Walk this cat........

Ola peeps,

Well, technically you guys were right about "speak no evil" ,there isn't one. However that wasn't the answer I was looking for.

The correct answer was : there is a knuckleheaded cat sitting in a stroller ,begging to go for his walk.

How could anyone say "No" to that face?

Thanks for playing :)


The honeymooners are safely back home after a fun filled trip to California.

They went to San Diego, Hollywood, The redwoods.I'm jealous :)

Speaking of the happy little couple, I think THIS is my favorite wedding picture so far.

Do you ever remember looking so young and cute and happy?

Adorable,if I do say so myself :)


My friend arrives tomorrow! Yikes! how am I so far behind on my house keeping chores?I need Souls friend Angie . Have you seen what they did over at Souls house? Check it out!

(click on the blue words)

well, she isn't dead -- yet- :))


Who can resist the lure of a collapsible laundry hamper?

Have a great day ya'll! I must get busy.

Luv me

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Picture puzzle

Click on the picture and make it full sized.

Then ask yourself "what is wrong with this picture?"

"Yes, I know I'm gorgeous."

Have a thrilling Sunday peeps!