Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why yes, I am that chicken......

   Ola ya'll ,

             Yesterday I had this brilliant  plan to take myself out for an adventure.I was going to meet 25 strangers for a "photo taking walk" .

It was bitterly cold out,I was tempted to just say "ahh forget it" but i didn't. I took the subway armed with my craptastic canon digital elf camera, then walked over to the round tower.The group was to meet at the famous "round tower" .I got there about 5 minutes early. I was standing off in the background when the "group" showed up. What to my horror do i see?

First of all ,none of the women showed up.....the group was all men and secondly, these guys were armed with professional photo equipment.Bags of equipment,cameras with humongous lenses,one guy even had the white umbrella thingy (thats the technical term)

See photo of group:

Needless to say, I lost the nerve to go up with my crappy little camera and say "oh hi ,yep I'm here to take some pictures." I snuck by them all ,went up into the tower by myself and then took my OWN photo walk.

You saw some of the pictures are the rest. was quite a haul to walk up that tower (picture me panting and weezing here) and once I was out on the viewing platform was windy and FREEZING .

Once is the link about the tower (it's too much info to tell you)

Click 'em to see them full sized :)

You KNOW you want one of these for your man

And these for yourself :)

This is the thrift store (genbrug)

Yes, kick mine while you're at it

wacky passenger bikes

                                   Happy Sunday peeps!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fashion on the 'em to see them full sized

Hold me back!

ahhh the puffy coat....and the puffy boots

cute purple boots ...look closely

she actually looks good

Mink is big here

Big suitcases ...ever popular

The "bag lady" look is hot right now.

Those shoes...oh Honey ,not with that outfit.

Big baby strollers are all the rage. Some of them are HUGE .The day I took these pictures I saw a baby stroller left out in the cold with a walkie talkie clipped to it, with the baby left inside!

Somehow,it works on her.

Even little kids have to carry a backpack

More of the "bag lady" look

No one's puffy coat is as puffy as mine!