Monday, May 11, 2009

A brag , a bore and a trip....minus the strip club.

Hi ya'll ,

I would like to announce that my soon to be daughter just graduated college with honors and a 4.0 GPA.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Miss Smarty! We are all so very proud of you!!!


I hope you all had a great Mothers day.
I spoke to all my chillun's and that was the highlight of my day.

Our weather is STILL cold, rainy and dreary. My internet was out half the day and it looked like it was night time all day long.

I captured our day on film. Try to contain your excitement.

Good old movie.

Great long book. Go get it.

Apparently that steroid shot has made Cavuto even lazier than usual. But IS working. His stomach is healing up and he's leaving it alone.

A little trip to the Keys......
sorry no pics of the street brawl or the stupid strip club.

Happy Monday ya'll!

Luv me


Wesley said...

I've had 2 dreams about going back to the keys in the past week!

In the first one, I was packing up all my camping supplies. Not very exciting.

The one I had last night was a little more so.

Our group was much larger... closer to 20 people. As expected, drama ensued. For some reason I became the bad guy and only about 6 people took my side. The other half of the group was nowhere to be found.

We stopped at this truck stop kind of place and there was a crime boss' hideout next door. Somehow I ended up getting a box of pearls from the guy, Logan crashed my car into somebody (it was only a minor fender bender), Some chick set off some explosives and blew up half of the crime headquarters and... CRAP! I waited too long to tell the story and forgot all the rest of the details. It was pretty exciting and caused me to oversleep by 45 minutes while snoozing to continue the action!

Why are some of the photos in your video nice and clear and others all crappy looking?

myomyohi said...

A 4.0? She deserves a standing ovation. CONGRATULATIONS!

Brad said...

Good looking and smart? Son did good!

Anonymous said...

A 4.0? Wow! That is hard to do, don't care where you go to school or what you major in - that is not easy. Really smart one there - she should go on and get a graduate degree and not waste that wonderful intelligence. Key West slide show was great. Guys know how to have fun and it is even more fun when you take some chicks along. Lucky them. Key West is on my list but I've not been there - been all over FL but not Key West. I wanna to go to Margaritaville. G5

Anonymous said...

When you came down to the dock today, I actually thought you were going to take the boat cover off and clean your boat and get it running. But no. It was sunny and 86 today. It's time. G5