Wow , where is everybody?
It looks like no one has updated .I know I'm wayyyy behind on updating and commenting, that's because I hate to post or comment, when I am a broken(crazy) record.
"wha wha wha , I can't smoke, I'm miserable" or any other excuse that makes me "
mono focused"
I hate to think that way and I'm sure everyone hates to read the same shiznit.....over and over.....
"wha wha wha, I can't smoke, I'm miserable" ha ha.
No, really .....I
hope I am at the end of my "wha wha " phase. I have been off the "nicotine patch "
since Thursday.
And I must say's just as I suspected.....EASIER ...without ANY damn nicotine.
I did this whole damn thing once, for 7 beautiful months. And then blew it.
But point is , when i quit that time ,I had 3 patches, I used them and then just went cold turkey.
This time, I tried at first, to just go cold turkey but my SAD level was apparently too bad for that to work . So, I did the 21 mg. patches for 14 days, then the 7 mg patch for the next week or so. I was still having horrible cravings for cigarettes.
At 3 weeks into all this suffering ??? Um , NO that ain't right!
Well, memory barely serves me, but I DID recall that cold turkey-ish ...I wasn't like a damn crack whore after 3 weeks.
So , I quit the stupid patch and I am happy to say that i really am doing well on having very few "desperate crack whore" urges to smoke.
Unfortunately, the same does not go for the crack whore urges to stuff snack foods into my mouth.
I never do that!
Normally I eat twice a day and rarely EVER snack. In fact, I don't know if YOU remember, but (I sure do) I had just lost 20 pounds.
Sadly, I am pretty sure I've already gained 10 of it back.
I can't be certain because my scale does not work , since the "maraschino cherry " incident.
And that is damn depressing. I'm mental. I'm a face stuffing ,non smoking, verge of crying, mental cracker.
I'll get over that . Hopefully
before I need gastric bypass.
Figaro, the( effin ) goldfish is still alive.
Right now, he is at the top of the bowl ,looking like he's dying.
Even though I have done all the damn crap they told me to do.
"blow some air in there with a straw"
"put an ice cube in there"
What EVVV...haven't I got enough problems?
Oh , who am I kidding? I'm worried sick about the stupid fish!
I hope he's ok.
Cavuto and Figaro
I saw this motorcycle at the store and I couldn't believe my eyes.
I thought it was a "furry type cover" but NO , this was the paint job.
I could have understood it if "I" was driving it. But
I would be way too chicken to drive a "crotch rocket" as my kids call them.
I would love to have seen WHO was driving it, but I did not. Damn! was it a slightly old , eccentric woman, like me?
Was it a really cute transvestite from Odessa ,Texas?
Was it Brad Pitt "incognito" ?
You have to admit it, you're dying to know who was driving that thing!
Sorry's past my old lady bed time.
Tomorrow we will have a trip to Helsinki and discuss "when did bridal showers include the groom to be"?
Luv me
name this post :)
Isn't your husband just wonderful to tidy all that computer stuff up for you so you and the cats can lounge away without any interference.
Cavuto's world makes me homesick.
April 26, 2009 10:31 AM